Monday, February 21, 2011

Gotta love lazy weekends

I went into this past weekend knowing that I was gonna watch a ton of movies. I had to first get all the mandatory things done first like doing my laundry, vacuuming and homework. I finished all of that by Friday afternoon, so that meant the rest of the weekend I coul just chill. I began my movie marathon. By the end of the weekend I had watched around eleven movies. I watched some that were on tv, some I rented, and some I got on Netflix. I watched Moulin Rouge, Amazing Grace, Stone of Destiny, You've Got Mail, Dirty Dancing, Titanic, Sixteen Candles, The Wedding Date, August Rush, and Squanto: A Warrior's Tale. A few of these movies I had seen before, but I also watched quite a few new ones and they were legendary. This list of movies makes me laugh because all the movies are so different. Probably my  favorite movies of the weekend were: You've Got Mail (one of my all time favorite movies), Titanic (A movie that I'm pretty sure everyone has seen before except for me. It was so good and I have always loved learning about the Titanic), August Rush (such a good story and I couldn't pry myself from the tv to eat until it was done, which if you know me at all you know how big of a deal that is), and Squanto (I always love watching movies like this with Allison Post. Usually we like the same movies especially if they are historic in any way. We both found ourselves falling in love with a friar from this movie.)
This weekend had some other high points other than movies. I got to hang out with Granny E, or Elizabeth Hopkins as everyone else in the world knows her. I made some blueberry and cinnamon pancakes that were super delicious. Then after watching August Rush, Allison, Ali and I headed to Chicken E for dinner. We all ate until our stomachs were full, but at the end I still had two pieces of chicken and fries on my plate. Allison reminded me how I had once said something about me being an awesome eater and that if we were in an eating competition that she wouldn't be able to keep up. She knew that I was very proud of the fact that I can eat more than most grown men, so this little reminder just pushed me to eat the rest of my food. I almost exploded. It probably didn't help that I had drank my healthy share of sweet tea. I also am quite the ketchup lover and at the end of the meal I had used 11 ketchup packets. We then had to go to Hastings after this, and yes I waddled every step of the way. I know it sounds crazy, but when I eat too much I feel like I have a limp. So I walked around Hastings limping and burping. It was quite a sight. Sadly this very boring retelling of my weekend does not portray just how fun this weekend was. Yes I did spend the majority of it alone in my room, but by golly it was a hoot! There is nothing better than spending a whole weekend hibernating in my hermit cave.

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